
Results (290)


The Efficiency of Dynamic Energy Prices

Andrew J. Hinchberger, Mark R. Jacobsen, Christopher R. Knittel, James M. Sallee, and Arthur A. van Benthem

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Bridging the Gaps: The Impact of Interregional Transmission on Emissions and Reliability

Audun Botterud, Christopher R. Knittel, John E. Parsons, Juan Ramon L. Senga, and S. Drew Story

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The Impact of Financing Structures on the Cost of CO2 Transport

Katrin Sievert, Alexandru Stefan Stefanescu, Pauline Oeuvray, and Bjarne Steffen

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Climate Policy Reform Options in 2025

John Bistline, Kimberly A. Clausing, Neil R. Mehrotra, James H. Stock, and Catherine Wolfram

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Research Commentary: Evaluating the Impact of the Connect the Grid Act for Texas

Audun Botterud, Christopher R. Knittel, John E. Parsons, Juan Ramon L. Senga, and S. Drew Story

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Bridging the Divide: Assessing the Viability of International Cooperation on Border Carbon Adjustments

Michael Mehling, Harro van Asselt, Susanne Droege, Kasturi Das, and Catherine Hall

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Research Commentary: Strategic Sector Investments are Poised to Benefit Distressed US Counties

Joseph Parilla, Glencora Haskins, Lily Bermel, Lisa Hansmann, Mark Muro, Ryan Cummings, and Brian Deese

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Research Commentary: Evaluating the Impact of the BIG WIRES Act

Audun Botterud, Christopher R. Knittel, John E. Parsons, Juan Ramon L. Senga, and S. Drew Story

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Research Commentary: FERC Order 2023: Will it Unplug the Bottleneck?

Les Armstrong, Alexa Canaan, Christopher R. Knittel, and Gilbert E. Metcalf

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Consequences of the Missing Risk Market Problem for Power System Emissions

Emil Dimanchev, Steven A. Gabriel, Lina Reichenberg, and Magnus Korpås

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Research Commentary: Comments on Draft Revisions to OMB Circulars A-4 and A-94

Paul Joskow, Christopher Knittel, Deborah Lucas, Gilbert Metcalf, John Parsons, Robert Pindyck, and Richard Schmalensee

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Cost-Efficient Pathways to Decarbonizing Portland Cement Production

Gunther Glenk, Anton Kelnhofer, Rebecca Meier, and Stefan Reichelstein

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Climate Impacts of Bitcoin Mining in the U.S.

Christian Stoll, Lena Klaaßen, Ulrich Gallersdörfer, and Alexander Neumüller

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Research Commentary: Economy-Wide Decarbonization Requires Fixing Retail Electricity Rates

Tim Schittekatte, Dharik Mallapragada, Paul L. Joskow, and Richard Schmalensee

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Electricity Sector Policy Reforms to Support Efficient Decarbonization

Howard K. Gruenspecht, Hannes Pfeifenberger, Paul L. Joskow, Richard Schmalensee

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Properties of Deeply Decarbonized Electric Power Systems with Storage

Cristian Junge, Cathy Wang, Dharik S. Mallapragada, Howard K. Gruenspecht, Hannes Pfeifenberger, Paul L. Joskow, and Richard Schmalensee

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Electricity Pricing Problems in Future Renewables-Dominant Power Systems

Dharik S. Mallapragada, Cristian Junge, Cathy Wang, Hannes Pfeifenberger, Paul L. Joskow, and Richard Schmalensee

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Colluding Against Environmental Regulation

Jorge Alé-Chilet, Cuicui Chen, Jing Li, and Mathias Reynaert

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Why Do Firms Issue Green Bonds?

Julien Xavier Daubanes, Shema Frédéric Mitali and Jean-Charles Rochet

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Towards an Emissions Trading Scheme for Air Pollutants in India

Esther Duflo, Michael Greenstone, Rohini Pande and Nicholas Ryan

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The Cost of Climate Policy in the United States

Sergey Paltsev, John M. Reilly, Henry D. Jacoby and Jennifer F. Morris

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Designing a US Market for CO2

John E. Parsons, A. Denny Ellerman and Stephan Feilhauer

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Short-Term CO2 Abatement in the European Power Sector

Erik D. Delarue, A. Denny Ellerman and William D. D

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Regulating Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage

M.A. de Figueiredo, H.J. Herzog, P.L. Joskow, K.A. Oye, and D.M. Reiner

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A Market-Based Environmental Policy Experiment in Chile

Juan-Pablo Montero, José Miguel Sánchez, and Ricardo Katz

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Panel Data Analysis of U. S. Coal Productivity

Thomas M. Stoker, Ernst. R. Berndt, A. Denny Ellerman, Susanne M. Schennach

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Policies for Electrifying the Light-Duty Vehicle Fleet in the United States

Cassandra Cole, Michael Droste, Christopher R. Knittel, Shanjun Li, and James H. Stock

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Challenges and Opportunities for Decarbonizing Power Systems in the US Midcontinent

Pablo Duenas-Martinez, Karen Tapia-Ahumada, Joshua Hodge, Raanan Miller, and John E. Parsons

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Policy Options to Enable an Equitable Energy Transition

Daniel Raimi, Aurora Barone, Sanya Carley, David Foster, Emily Grubert, Julia Haggerty, Jake Higdon, Michael Kearney, David Konisky, Jennifer Michael, Gilbert Michaud, Sade Nabahe, Nina Peluso, Molly Robertson, and Tony Reames

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Social Impacts of Energy Transition

Jason W. Beckfield, D. A. Evrard, Robert J. Sampson, and Mary C. Waters

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Public Attitudes on Energy and the Climate

Stephen Ansolabehere, Elizabeth Thom, and Dustin Tingley

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Energy Workforce Development in the 21st Century

David Foster, Sade Nabahe, and Benny Siu Hon Ng

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The Short-run and Long-run Effects of COVID-19 on Energy and the Environment

Kenneth T. Gillingham, Christopher R. Knittel, Jing Li, Marten Ovaere, and Mar Reguant

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A Multi-control Climate Policy Process for a Designated Decision Maker

Henri F. Drake, Ronald L. Rivest, Alan Edelman, and John Deutch

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Electrifying Transportation: Issues and Opportunities

Bentley C. Clinton, Christopher R. Knittel, Konstantinos Metaxoglou

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Investigating the Necessity of Demand Characterization and Stimulation for Geospatial Electrification Planning in Developing Countries

Stephen J. Lee, Eduardo Sánchez, Andrés González-Garcí­a, Pedro Ciller, Pablo Duenas, Jay Taneja, Fernando de Cuadra Garcí­a, Julio Lumbreras, Hannah Daly, Robert Stoner, Ignacio J. Pérez-Arriaga

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Estimating the Costs and Benefits of Fuel-Economy Standards

Antonio M. Bento, Mark R. Jacobsen, Christopher R. Knittel, and Arthur A. van Benthem

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The Efficiency and Distributional Effects of Alternative Residential Electricity Rate Designs

Scott P. Burger, Christopher R. Knittel, Ignacio Pérez-Arriaga, Ian Schneider, and Frederik vom Scheidt

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The Carbon Footprint of Bitcoin

Christian Stoll, Lena Klaaßen, and Ulrich Gallersdörfer

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Does the U.S. Export Global Warming? Coal Trade and the Shale Gas Boom

Christopher R. Knittel, Konstantinos Metaxoglou, Anson Soderbery, and André Trindade

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Fair, Equitable, and Efficient Tariffs in the Presence of Distributed Energy Resources

Scott P. Burger, Ian Schneider, Audun Botterud, and Ignacio Pérez-Arriaga

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Coordinating Separate Markets for Externalities

Jose Miguel Abito, Christopher R. Knittel, Konstantinos Metaxoglou, and André Trindade

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Restructuring Revisited: Competition and Coordination in Electricity Distribution Systems

Scott P. Burger, Jesse D. Jenkins, Carlos Batlle, and Ignacio J. Pérez-Arriaga

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The Use of Regression Statistics to Analyze Imperfect Pricing Policies

Mark R. Jacobsen, Christopher R. Knittel, James M. Sallee, and Arthur A. van Benthem

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Vintage-specific Driving Restrictions

Nano Barahona, Francisco Gallego, and Juan-Pablo Montero

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TSO/DSO Coordination in a Context of Distributed Energy Resource Penetration

Michael Birk, José Pablo Chaves-Ávila, Tomás Gómez, and Richard Tabors

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Attribute Substitution in Household Vehicle Portfolios

James Archsmith, Kenneth Gillingham, Christopher R. Knittel, and David S. Rapson

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The Behavioral Effect of Pigovian Regulation: Evidence from a Field Experiment

Bruno Lanz, Jules-Daniel Wurlod, Luca Panzone, and Timothy Swanson

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Anticipation and Environmental Regulation

Katherine Rittenhouse and Matthew Zaragoza-Watkins

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Limits to Arbitrage in Electricity Markets: A Case Study of MISO

John Birge, Ali Hortaçsu, Ignacia Mercadal, and Michael Pavlin

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Are Fuel Economy Standards Regressive?

Lucas W. Davis and Christopher R. Knittel

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Carbon Market Stabilisation Measures: Implications for Linking

Fitsum G. Tiche, Stefan E. Weishaar, and Oscar Couwenberg

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Tight Oil Development Economics: Benchmarks, Breakeven Points, and Inelasticities

Robert L. Kleinberg, Sergey Paltsev, Charles K. Ebinger, David Hobbs, and Tim Boersma

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A Theory of NGO Activism

Julien Daubanes and Jean-Charles Rochet

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Electricity Services in a More Distributed Energy System

Ignacio J. Pérez-Arriaga, Scott Burger, and Tomás Gómez

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Will We Ever Stop Using Fossil Fuels?

Thomas Covert, Michael Greenstone, and Christopher R. Knittel

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The Value of Aggregators in Electricity Systems

Scott Burger, Jose Pablo Chaves-Ávila, Carlos Batlle, Ignacio J. Pérez-Arriaga

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How do Carbon Emissions Respond to Business-Cycle Shocks?

Hashmat Khan, Christopher R. Knittel, Konstantinos Metaxoglou, and Maya Papineau

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Competition and Externalities in Green Technology Adoption

Maxime C. Cohen, Georgia Perakis, and Charles Thraves

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Consumer Subsidies with a Strategic Supplier: Commitment vs. Flexibility

Jonathan Chemama, Maxime C. Cohen, Ruben Lobel, and Georgia Perakis

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Cash for Corollas: When Stimulus Reduces Spending

Mark Hoekstra, Steven L. Puller, and Jeremy West

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Did "Cash for Clunkers" Deliver? The Effects of the Car Allowance Rebate System

Meghan R. Busse, Christopher R. Knittel, Jorge Silva-Risso, and Florian Zettelmeyer

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Canadian-U.S. Natural Gas Trade

International Natural Gas Trade Project, Center for Energy Policy Research, Energy Lab, MIT

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