Results (132)
Climate Policy and Cartelization Risk for Critical Minerals: An Application to the Copper Market
Ilenia Gaia Romani, Nicola Comincioli, and Sergio Vergalli
Challenges to Expanding EV Adoption and Policy Responses
Christopher R. Knittel and Shinsuke Tanaka
Choosing Climate Policies in a Second-best World with Incomplete Markets: Insights from a Bilevel Power System Model
Emil Dimanchev, Steven A. Gabriel, Stein-Erik Fleten, Filippo Pecci, and Magnus Korpås
The Impact of Financing Structures on the Cost of CO2 Transport
Katrin Sievert, Alexandru Stefan Stefanescu, Pauline Oeuvray, and Bjarne Steffen
Optimizing Mineral Extraction and Processing for the Energy Transition: Evaluating Efficiency in Single versus Joint Production
Mahelet G. Fikru and Ilenia G. Romani
Shedding Light on Green Claims: The Impact of a Closer Temporal Alignment of Supply and Demand in Voluntary Green Electricity Markets
Hanna F. Scholta and Maximilian J. Blaschke
Bridging the Divide: Assessing the Viability of International Cooperation on Border Carbon Adjustments
Michael Mehling, Harro van Asselt, Susanne Droege, Kasturi Das, and Catherine Hall
Understanding the Future of Critical Raw Materials for the Energy Transition: SVAR Models for the U.S. Market
Ilenia Gaia Romani and Chiara Casoli
A Supply Curve for Forest-Based CO2 Removal
Sergio L. Franklin Jr. and Robert S. Pindyck
Research Commentary: Strategic Sector Investments are Poised to Benefit Distressed US Counties
Joseph Parilla, Glencora Haskins, Lily Bermel, Lisa Hansmann, Mark Muro, Ryan Cummings, and Brian Deese
Implications of the Inflation Reduction Act on Deployment of Low-Carbon Ammonia Technologies
Chi Kong Chyong, Eduardo Italiani, and Nikolaos Kazantzis
Consequences of the Missing Risk Market Problem for Power System Emissions
Emil Dimanchev, Steven A. Gabriel, Lina Reichenberg, and Magnus Korpås
Economic Implications of the Climate Provisions of the Inflation Reduction Act
John Bistline, Neil Mehrotra, and Catherine Wolfram
Cost-Efficient Pathways to Decarbonizing Portland Cement Production
Gunther Glenk, Anton Kelnhofer, Rebecca Meier, and Stefan Reichelstein
Climate Impacts of Bitcoin Mining in the U.S.
Christian Stoll, Lena Klaaßen, Ulrich Gallersdörfer, and Alexander Neumüller
Redistribution Through Technology: Equilibrium Impacts of Mandated Efficiency in Three Electricity Markets
Matti Liski and Iivo Vehviläinen
Advances in Power-to-Gas Technologies: Cost and Conversion Efficiency
Gunther Glenk, Philip Holler, and Stefan Reichelstein
Impacts of Rainfall Shocks on Out-migration in Türkiye are Mediated More by Per Capita Income than by Agricultural Output
Nathan Delacrétaz, Bruno Lanz, Amir H. Delju, Étienne Piguet, Martine Rebetez
The Role of State Investment Banks for Renewable Energy Technologies in OECD Countries
Paul Waidelich and Bjarne Steffen
The Macroeconomic Impact of Europe’s Carbon Taxes
Gilbert E. Metcalf and James H. Stock
Natural Gas in the U.S. Southeast Power Sector under Deep Decarbonization: Modeling Technology and Policy Sensitivities
Aaron Schwartz, Jack Morris, and Dharik Mallapragada
Carbon Abatement Costs for Hydrogen Fuels in Hard-to-Abate Transport Sectors and Potential Climate Policy Mixes
Jonas Martin, Emil Dimanchev, and Anne Neumann
Rational Rationing: A Price-Control Mechanism for a Persistent Supply Shock
Reyer Gerlagh, Matti Liski, and Iivo Vehviläinen
Why Do Firms Issue Green Bonds?
Julien Xavier Daubanes, Shema Frédéric Mitali and Jean-Charles Rochet
Towards an Emissions Trading Scheme for Air Pollutants in India
Esther Duflo, Michael Greenstone, Rohini Pande and Nicholas Ryan
Why and How the European Union Can Get a (Near To) Carbon-Free Energy System in 2050?
Christopher Jones and Jean-Michel Glachant
Cap-and-Trade Properties under Different Scheme Designs
Georg Grüll and Luca Taschini
A Comparison of Reduced-Form Permit Price Models and their Empirical Performances
Georg Grüll and Luca Taschini
Regulatory Instruments for Deployment of Clean Energy Technologies
Ignacio J. Pérez-Arriaga
The Cost of Climate Policy in the United States
Sergey Paltsev, John M. Reilly, Henry D. Jacoby and Jennifer F. Morris
The Allocation of European Union Allowances: Lessons, Unifying Themes and General Principles
Barbara Buchner, Carlo Carraro and A. Denny Ellerman
Energy Prices and Energy Intensity in China: A Structural Decomposition Analysis and Econometrics Study
Xiaoyu Shi and Karen R. Polenske
The Economic Impacts of Climate Change: Evidence from Agricultural Profits and Random Fluctuations in Weather
Olivier Deschênes and Michael Greenstone
The Efficiency and Robustness of Allowance Banking in the U.S. Acid Rain Program
A. Denny Ellerman and Juan-Pablo Montero
The Chicago VOC Trading System: The Consequences of Market Design for Performance
R.F. Kosobud, H.H. Stokes, C.D. Tallarico, and B.L. Scott
The Sources of Emission Reductions: Evidence from U.S. SO2 Emissions from 1985 through 2002
A. Denny Ellerman & Florence Dubroeucq
Lessons from Phase 2 Compliance with the U.S. Acid Rain Program
A. Denny Ellerman
Trends and Breaks in Per-Capita Carbon Dioxide Emissions, 1870-2028
Markku Lanne and Matti Liski
The Role of Content Regulation On Pricing and Market Power in Regional Retail and Wholesale Gasoline Markets
Erich Muehlegger
Environmental Benefits and Cost Savings Through Market-Based Instruments: An Application Using State-Level Data from India
Shreekant Gupta
The Temporal Efficiency of SO2 Emissions Trading
A. Denny Ellerman & Juan-Pablo Montero
The Portfolio of Generation Facilities in Japan's Electric Power Sector, Past and Future
Naoto Nishimura
Voluntary Compliance with Market-Based Environment Policy: Evidence from the U.S. Acid Rain Program
Juan-Pablo Montero
Global Externalities, Local Policies, and Firm Selection
Lassi Ahlvik and Matti Liski
The Value of Nuclear Microreactors in Providing Heat and Electricity to Alaskan Communities
Ruaridh Macdonald and John E. Parsons
Advancing International Cooperation under the Paris Agreement: Issues and Options for Article 6
Michael A. Mehling
An Approximate Dynamic Programming Framework for Modeling Global Climate
Mort Webster, Nidhi Santen and Panos Parpas
The Dynamic Effects of Hurricanes in the US: The Role of Non-Disaster Transfer Payments
Tatyana Deryugina
Subglobal Climate Agreements and Energy-Intensive Activities: Is there a Carbon Haven for Copper?
Bruno Lanz, Thomas F. Rutherford and John E. Tilton
Stocks & Shocks: A Clarification in the Debate Over Price vs. Quantity Controls for Greenhouse Gases
John E. Parsons and Luca Taschini
Local and Seasonal Effects in the U.S. of Global Climate Change
Richard S. Eckaus
CO2 Abatement from Renewable Energy Injections in the German Electricity
Hannes Weigt, Erik Delarue and Denny Ellerman
Market-Based Emissions Regulation and Industry Dynamics
Meredith Fowlie, Mar Reguant and Stephen P. Ryan
The Cost of Abating CO2 Emissions by Renewable Energy Incentives in Germany
Claudio Marcantonini and A. Denny Ellerman
Joint Allocation of Climate Control Mechanisms is the Cheapest Way to Reduce Global Climate Damage
John M. Deutch
Policies for Electrifying the Light-Duty Vehicle Fleet in the United States
Cassandra Cole, Michael Droste, Christopher R. Knittel, Shanjun Li, and James H. Stock
Water for a Warming Climate: A Feasibility Study of Repurposing Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant for Desalination
Andrew T. Bouma, Quantum J. Wei, John E. Parsons, Jacopo Buongiorno, and John H. Lienhard V
Challenges and Opportunities for Decarbonizing Power Systems in the US Midcontinent
Pablo Duenas-Martinez, Karen Tapia-Ahumada, Joshua Hodge, Raanan Miller, and John E. Parsons
Facilitating Transmission Expansion to Support Efficient Decarbonization of the Electricity Sector
Paul L. Joskow
Policy Options to Enable an Equitable Energy Transition
Daniel Raimi, Aurora Barone, Sanya Carley, David Foster, Emily Grubert, Julia Haggerty, Jake Higdon, Michael Kearney, David Konisky, Jennifer Michael, Gilbert Michaud, Sade Nabahe, Nina Peluso, Molly Robertson, and Tony Reames
Trade-offs in Climate Policy: Combining Low-Carbon Standards with Modest Carbon Pricing
Emil G. Dimanchev and Christopher R. Knittel
Going Beyond Default Intensities in an EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism
Michael A. Mehling and Robert A. Ritz
The Roosevelt Project: A New Deal for Employment, Energy and Environment
Ernest J. Moniz and Michael J. Kearney
Public Attitudes on Energy and the Climate
Stephen Ansolabehere, Elizabeth Thom, and Dustin Tingley
Just Institutions for Deep Decarbonization? Essential Lessons from 20th Century Regional Economic and Industrial Transitions in the United States
Daniel Gallagher and Amy Glasmeier
Energy Workforce Development in the 21st Century
David Foster, Sade Nabahe, and Benny Siu Hon Ng
Energy and Manufacturing in the United States
David Foster, Sade Nabahe, and Benny Siu Hon Ng
Fostering Innovative Growth in Regions Exposed to Low Carbon Transition
Valerie J. Karplus, Michael Kearney, and Sohum Pawar
State Ownership and Technology Adoption: The Case of Electric Utilities and Renewable Energy
Bjarne Steffen, Valerie J. Karplus, and Tobias S. Schmidt
The Short-run and Long-run Effects of COVID-19 on Energy and the Environment
Kenneth T. Gillingham, Christopher R. Knittel, Jing Li, Marten Ovaere, and Mar Reguant
A Multi-control Climate Policy Process for a Designated Decision Maker
Henri F. Drake, Ronald L. Rivest, Alan Edelman, and John Deutch
Electrifying Transportation: Issues and Opportunities
Bentley C. Clinton, Christopher R. Knittel, Konstantinos Metaxoglou
The Value of Pumped Hydro Storage for Deep Decarbonization of the Spanish Grid
Anthony Fratto Oyler and John E. Parsons
Welfare Costs of Catastrophes: Lost Consumption and Lost Lives
Ian W. R. Martin and Robert S. Pindyck
Optimality Conditions and Cost Recovery in Electricity Markets with Variable Renewable Energy and Energy Storage
Magnus Korpås and Audun Botterud
Climate Policy Without a Price Signal: Evidence on the Implicit Carbon Price of Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Ghislaine Lang and Bruno Lanz
Two-Way Trade in Green Electrons: Deep Decarbonization of the Northeastern U.S. and the Role of Canadian Hydropower
Emil Dimanchev, Joshua Hodge, and John Parsons
Social Comparison and Energy Conservation in a Collective Action Context: A Field Experiment
Serhiy Kandul, Ghislaine Lang, and Bruno Lanz
Estimating the Costs and Benefits of Fuel-Economy Standards
Antonio M. Bento, Mark R. Jacobsen, Christopher R. Knittel, and Arthur A. van Benthem
Providing the Spark: Impact of Financial Incentives on Battery Electric Vehicle Adoption
Bentley C. Clinton and Daniel C. Steinberg
Diary of a Wimpy Carbon Tax: Carbon Taxes as Federal Climate Policy
Christopher R. Knittel
Generational Trends in Vehicle Ownership and Use: Are Millennials Any Different?
Christopher R. Knittel and Elizabeth Murphy
The Carbon Footprint of Bitcoin
Christian Stoll, Lena Klaaßen, and Ulrich Gallersdörfer
The Climate and Economic Rationale for Investment in Life Extension of Spanish Nuclear Power Plants
Anthony Fratto Oyler and John E. Parsons
Energy Efficiency, Information, and the Acceptability of Rent Increases: A Multiple Price List Experiment with Tenants
Ghislaine Lang and Bruno Lanz
Does the U.S. Export Global Warming? Coal Trade and the Shale Gas Boom
Christopher R. Knittel, Konstantinos Metaxoglou, Anson Soderbery, and André Trindade
Coordinating Separate Markets for Externalities
Jose Miguel Abito, Christopher R. Knittel, Konstantinos Metaxoglou, and André Trindade
Ownership and Collusive Exit: Theory and a Case of Nuclear Phase-out
Matti Liski and Iivo Vehviläinen
Linking Heterogeneous Climate Policies (Consistent with the Paris Agreement)
Michael A. Mehling, Gilbert E. Metcalf, and Robert N. Stavins
The Light and the Heat: Productivity Co-benefits of Energy-saving Technology
Achyuta Adhvaryu, Namrata Kala, and Anant Nyshadham
Cost Pass-Through to Higher Ethanol Blends at the Pump: Evidence from Minnesota Gas Station Data
Jing Li and James H. Stock
Output-based Allocations in Pollution Markets With Uncertainty and Self-Selection
Guy Meunier, Juan-Pablo Montero and Jean-Pierre Ponssard
Using Output-based Allocations to Manage Volatility and Leakage in Pollution Markets
Guy Meunier, Juan-Pablo Montero and Jean-Pierre Ponssard
More Gas, Less Coal, and Less CO2? Unilateral CO2 Reduction Policy with More than One Carbon Energy Source
Julien Daubanes, Fanny Henriet, and Katheline Schubert
Black Carbon Problems in Transportation: Technological Solutions and Governmental Policy Solutions
Thomas L. Brewer
The Behavioral Effect of Pigovian Regulation: Evidence from a Field Experiment
Bruno Lanz, Jules-Daniel Wurlod, Luca Panzone, and Timothy Swanson
Multilateral Linking of Emissions Trading Systems
Michael Mehling and Benjamin Görlach
Absolute vs. Intensity-based Caps for Carbon Emissions Target Setting: An Obstacle to Linking the EU ETS to a Chinese National ETS?
Yingying Zeng, Stefan E. Weishaar and Oscar Couwenberg
Will We Ever Stop Using Fossil Fuels?
Thomas Covert, Michael Greenstone, and Christopher R. Knittel
Lessons Learned from Three Decades of Experience with Cap-and-Trade
Richard Schmalensee and Robert N. Stavins
Natural Gas Prices and Coal Displacement: Evidence from Electricity Markets
Christopher R. Knittel, Konstantinos Metaxoglou, and André Trindade
How do Carbon Emissions Respond to Business-Cycle Shocks?
Hashmat Khan, Christopher R. Knittel, Konstantinos Metaxoglou, and Maya Papineau
Soft Cooperation in the Shadow of Distributional Conflict? A Model-Based Assessment of the Two-Level Game between International Climate Change Negotiations and Domestic Politics
Johannes Urpelainen and Antto Vihma
Adapting to Climate Change: The Remarkable Decline in the U.S. Temperature-Mortality Relationship over the 20th Century
Alan Barreca, Karen Clay, Olivier Deschênes, Michael Greenstone and Joseph S. Shapiro