Results (54)
Choosing Climate Policies in a Second-best World with Incomplete Markets: Insights from a Bilevel Power System Model
Emil Dimanchev, Steven A. Gabriel, Stein-Erik Fleten, Filippo Pecci, and Magnus Korpås
A Supply Curve for Forest-Based CO2 Removal
Sergio L. Franklin Jr. and Robert S. Pindyck
Learning in Repeated Multi-Unit Pay-As-Bid Auctions
Rigel Galgana and Negin Golrezaei
The Macroeconomic Impact of Europe’s Carbon Taxes
Gilbert E. Metcalf and James H. Stock
Carbon Abatement Costs for Hydrogen Fuels in Hard-to-Abate Transport Sectors and Potential Climate Policy Mixes
Jonas Martin, Emil Dimanchev, and Anne Neumann
The Macroeconomic Effects of a Carbon Tax to Meet the U.S. Paris Agreement Target: The Role of Firm Creation and Technology Adoption
Alan Finkelstein-Shapiro and Gilbert E. Metcalf
Why Do Firms Issue Green Bonds?
Julien Xavier Daubanes, Shema Frédéric Mitali and Jean-Charles Rochet
Towards an Emissions Trading Scheme for Air Pollutants in India
Esther Duflo, Michael Greenstone, Rohini Pande and Nicholas Ryan
Why and How the European Union Can Get a (Near To) Carbon-Free Energy System in 2050?
Christopher Jones and Jean-Michel Glachant
Cap-and-Trade Properties under Different Scheme Designs
Georg Grüll and Luca Taschini
A Comparison of Reduced-Form Permit Price Models and their Empirical Performances
Georg Grüll and Luca Taschini
Global Externalities, Local Policies, and Firm Selection
Lassi Ahlvik and Matti Liski
Advancing International Cooperation under the Paris Agreement: Issues and Options for Article 6
Michael A. Mehling
Stocks & Shocks: A Clarification in the Debate Over Price vs. Quantity Controls for Greenhouse Gases
John E. Parsons and Luca Taschini
Local and Seasonal Effects in the U.S. of Global Climate Change
Richard S. Eckaus
CO2 Abatement from Renewable Energy Injections in the German Electricity
Hannes Weigt, Erik Delarue and Denny Ellerman
Market-Based Emissions Regulation and Industry Dynamics
Meredith Fowlie, Mar Reguant and Stephen P. Ryan
Trade-offs in Climate Policy: Combining Low-Carbon Standards with Modest Carbon Pricing
Emil G. Dimanchev and Christopher R. Knittel
Going Beyond Default Intensities in an EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism
Michael A. Mehling and Robert A. Ritz
Distributed Effects of Climate Policy: A Machine Learning Approach
Tomas W. Green and Christopher R. Knittel
A Multi-control Climate Policy Process for a Designated Decision Maker
Henri F. Drake, Ronald L. Rivest, Alan Edelman, and John Deutch
Abatement Strategies and the Cost of Environmental Regulation: Emission Standards on the European Car Market
Mathias Reynaert
Climate Policy Without a Price Signal: Evidence on the Implicit Carbon Price of Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Ghislaine Lang and Bruno Lanz
Diary of a Wimpy Carbon Tax: Carbon Taxes as Federal Climate Policy
Christopher R. Knittel
Does the U.S. Export Global Warming? Coal Trade and the Shale Gas Boom
Christopher R. Knittel, Konstantinos Metaxoglou, Anson Soderbery, and André Trindade
Coordinating Separate Markets for Externalities
Jose Miguel Abito, Christopher R. Knittel, Konstantinos Metaxoglou, and André Trindade
Resource Adequacy with Increasing Shares of Wind and Solar Power: A Comparison of European and U.S. Electricity Market Designs
Audun Botterud and Hans Auer
UK Electricity Market Reform and the Energy Transition: Emerging Lessons
Michael Grubb and David Newbery
The Use of Regression Statistics to Analyze Imperfect Pricing Policies
Mark R. Jacobsen, Christopher R. Knittel, James M. Sallee, and Arthur A. van Benthem
Linking Heterogeneous Climate Policies (Consistent with the Paris Agreement)
Michael A. Mehling, Gilbert E. Metcalf, and Robert N. Stavins
Output-based Allocations in Pollution Markets With Uncertainty and Self-Selection
Guy Meunier, Juan-Pablo Montero and Jean-Pierre Ponssard
Using Output-based Allocations to Manage Volatility and Leakage in Pollution Markets
Guy Meunier, Juan-Pablo Montero and Jean-Pierre Ponssard
More Gas, Less Coal, and Less CO2? Unilateral CO2 Reduction Policy with More than One Carbon Energy Source
Julien Daubanes, Fanny Henriet, and Katheline Schubert
Black Carbon Problems in Transportation: Technological Solutions and Governmental Policy Solutions
Thomas L. Brewer
The Behavioral Effect of Pigovian Regulation: Evidence from a Field Experiment
Bruno Lanz, Jules-Daniel Wurlod, Luca Panzone, and Timothy Swanson
Anticipation and Environmental Regulation
Katherine Rittenhouse and Matthew Zaragoza-Watkins
Wind Capacity Investments: Inefficient Drivers and Long-Term Impacts
Ian Schneider and Mardavij Roozbehani
Carbon Market Stabilisation Measures: Implications for Linking
Fitsum G. Tiche, Stefan E. Weishaar, and Oscar Couwenberg
Multilateral Linking of Emissions Trading Systems
Michael Mehling and Benjamin Görlach
Absolute vs. Intensity-based Caps for Carbon Emissions Target Setting: An Obstacle to Linking the EU ETS to a Chinese National ETS?
Yingying Zeng, Stefan E. Weishaar and Oscar Couwenberg
Will We Ever Stop Using Fossil Fuels?
Thomas Covert, Michael Greenstone, and Christopher R. Knittel
Lessons Learned from Three Decades of Experience with Cap-and-Trade
Richard Schmalensee and Robert N. Stavins
Limit Pricing and the (In)Effectiveness of the Carbon Tax
Saraly Andrade de Sá and Julien Daubanes
Technological Change, Vehicle Characteristics, and the Opportunity Costs of Fuel Economy Standards
Thomas Klier and Joshua Linn
The Welfare Impact of Indirect Pigouvian Taxation: Evidence from Transportation
Christopher R. Knittel and Ryan Sandler
Defensive Investments and the Demand for Air Quality: Evidence from the NOx Budget Program and Ozone Reductions
Olivier Deschênes, Michael Greenstone and Joseph S. Shapiro
Cleaning the Bathwater with the Baby: The Health Co-Benefits of Carbon Pricing in Transportation
Christopher R. Knittel and Ryan Sandler