Results (167)
Climate Policy and Cartelization Risk for Critical Minerals: An Application to the Copper Market
Ilenia Gaia Romani, Nicola Comincioli, and Sergio Vergalli
Small Changes, Big Impact: Nudging Employees Toward Sustainable Behaviors
Laura Cappellucci, Lan Ha, Jeremy Honig, Christopher R. Knittel, Amy Vetter and Richard Wilner
Challenges to Expanding EV Adoption and Policy Responses
Christopher R. Knittel and Shinsuke Tanaka
The Efficiency of Dynamic Energy Prices
Andrew J. Hinchberger, Mark R. Jacobsen, Christopher R. Knittel, James M. Sallee, and Arthur A. van Benthem
A Roadmap for Advanced Transmission Technology Adoption
Brian Deese, Rob Gramlich, and Anna Pasnau
Choosing Climate Policies in a Second-best World with Incomplete Markets: Insights from a Bilevel Power System Model
Emil Dimanchev, Steven A. Gabriel, Stein-Erik Fleten, Filippo Pecci, and Magnus Korpås
Bridging the Gaps: The Impact of Interregional Transmission on Emissions and Reliability
Audun Botterud, Christopher R. Knittel, John E. Parsons, Juan Ramon L. Senga, and S. Drew Story
The Impact of Financing Structures on the Cost of CO2 Transport
Katrin Sievert, Alexandru Stefan Stefanescu, Pauline Oeuvray, and Bjarne Steffen
Research Commentary: Understanding the Price Cap on Russian Oil and Its Role in Depressing Russian Oil Revenues
Catherine Wolfram
Climate Policy Reform Options in 2025
John Bistline, Kimberly A. Clausing, Neil R. Mehrotra, James H. Stock, and Catherine Wolfram
Optimizing Mineral Extraction and Processing for the Energy Transition: Evaluating Efficiency in Single versus Joint Production
Mahelet G. Fikru and Ilenia G. Romani
Shedding Light on Green Claims: The Impact of a Closer Temporal Alignment of Supply and Demand in Voluntary Green Electricity Markets
Hanna F. Scholta and Maximilian J. Blaschke
EU and US Approaches to Address Energy Poverty: Classifying and Evaluating Design Strategies
Peter Heller, Tim Schittekatte, and Carlos Batlle
Research Commentary: U.S. Leadership in Scaling Capital for Multilateral Clean Energy Finance
Lily Bermel, Brian Deese, Brad Setser, Tess Turner, and Michael Weilandt
Research Commentary: Evaluating the Impact of the Connect the Grid Act for Texas
Audun Botterud, Christopher R. Knittel, John E. Parsons, Juan Ramon L. Senga, and S. Drew Story
Understanding the Future of Critical Raw Materials for the Energy Transition: SVAR Models for the U.S. Market
Ilenia Gaia Romani and Chiara Casoli
Regulation of Access, Pricing, and Planning of High Voltage Transmission in the U.S.
Joe DeLosa III, Johannes P. Pfeifenberger, Paul L. Joskow
Research Commentary: Strategic Sector Investments are Poised to Benefit Distressed US Counties
Joseph Parilla, Glencora Haskins, Lily Bermel, Lisa Hansmann, Mark Muro, Ryan Cummings, and Brian Deese
Designing Distribution Network Tariffs Under Increased Residential End-user Electrification: Can the US Learn Something from Europe?
Graham Turk, Tim Schittekatte, Pablo Dueñas Martínez, Paul L. Joskow and Richard Schmalensee
The Expansion of Incentive (Performance Based) Regulation of Electricity Distribution and Transmission in the United States
Paul L. Joskow
Can Digitalization Improve Public Services? Evidence from Innovation in Energy Management
Robyn Meeks, Jacquelyn Pless, and Zhenxuan Wang
Research Commentary: FERC Order 2023: Will it Unplug the Bottleneck?
Les Armstrong, Alexa Canaan, Christopher R. Knittel, and Gilbert E. Metcalf
Implications of the Inflation Reduction Act on Deployment of Low-Carbon Ammonia Technologies
Chi Kong Chyong, Eduardo Italiani, and Nikolaos Kazantzis
Designing Incentive Regulation in the Electricity Sector
David P. Brown and David E. M. Sappington
Consequences of the Missing Risk Market Problem for Power System Emissions
Emil Dimanchev, Steven A. Gabriel, Lina Reichenberg, and Magnus Korpås
Economic Implications of the Climate Provisions of the Inflation Reduction Act
John Bistline, Neil Mehrotra, and Catherine Wolfram
Another Source of Inequity? How Grid Reinforcement Costs Differ by the Income of EV User Groups
Sarah A. Steinbach and Maximilian J. Blaschke
Climate Impacts of Bitcoin Mining in the U.S.
Christian Stoll, Lena Klaaßen, Ulrich Gallersdörfer, and Alexander Neumüller
Research Commentary: The EU Commission’s Proposal for Improving the Electricity Market Design: Treading Water, But Not Drowning
Carlos Batlle, Tim Schittekatte, Paolo Mastropietro, and Pablo Rodilla
Redistribution Through Technology: Equilibrium Impacts of Mandated Efficiency in Three Electricity Markets
Matti Liski and Iivo Vehviläinen
Advances in Power-to-Gas Technologies: Cost and Conversion Efficiency
Gunther Glenk, Philip Holler, and Stefan Reichelstein
The Role of State Investment Banks for Renewable Energy Technologies in OECD Countries
Paul Waidelich and Bjarne Steffen
Exploring a Suitable Business Model for Nuclear Batteries
Santiago Andrade Aparicio and John E. Parsons
Power Price Crisis in the EU 3.0: Proposals to Complete Long-Term Markets
Tim Schittekatte and Carlos Batlle
Research Commentary: Calls for an Electricity Market Reform in the EU: Don’t Shoot the Messenger
Tim Schittekatte and Carlos Batlle
Accelerating Electric Vehicle Charging Investments: A Real Options Approach to Policy Design
Emil Dimanchev, Stein-Erik Fleten, Don MacKenzie, and Magnus Korpås
Research Commentary: Economy-Wide Decarbonization Requires Fixing Retail Electricity Rates
Tim Schittekatte, Dharik Mallapragada, Paul L. Joskow, and Richard Schmalensee
Natural Gas in the U.S. Southeast Power Sector under Deep Decarbonization: Modeling Technology and Policy Sensitivities
Aaron Schwartz, Jack Morris, and Dharik Mallapragada
Carbon Abatement Costs for Hydrogen Fuels in Hard-to-Abate Transport Sectors and Potential Climate Policy Mixes
Jonas Martin, Emil Dimanchev, and Anne Neumann
Electricity Retail Rate Design in a Decarbonizing Economy: An Analysis of Time-of-Use and Critical Peak Pricing
Tim Schittekatte, Dharik Mallapragada, Paul L. Joskow, and Richard Schmalensee
Rational Rationing: A Price-Control Mechanism for a Persistent Supply Shock
Reyer Gerlagh, Matti Liski, and Iivo Vehviläinen
The Macroeconomic Effects of a Carbon Tax to Meet the U.S. Paris Agreement Target: The Role of Firm Creation and Technology Adoption
Alan Finkelstein-Shapiro and Gilbert E. Metcalf
Long-term Equilibrium in Electricity Markets with Renewables and Energy Storage Only
Guillaume Tarel, Magnus Korpås, and Audun Botterud
Sustainable Hydrogen Fuels versus Fossil Fuels for Trucking, Shipping and Aviation: A Dynamic Cost Model
Jonas Martin, Anne Neumann, and Anders Ødegård
When “Low-Hanging Fruit” Are Beyond Reach: Management Practices and Firm Energy Efficiency
Valerie J. Karplus and Da Zhang
Deregulation, Market Power, and Prices: Evidence from the Electricity Sector
Alexander MacKay and Ignacia Mercadal
Electricity Sector Policy Reforms to Support Efficient Decarbonization
Howard K. Gruenspecht, Hannes Pfeifenberger, Paul L. Joskow, Richard Schmalensee
Coping with National Fuel Subsidies in Regional Power Markets: Application to the Gulf Cooperation Council Interconnector
Abdullah Alawad, Pablo Dueñas, Ahmad Alabdulkareem, and Carlos Batlle
Technology Neutral vs. Technology Specific Procurement
Natalia Fabra and Juan-Pablo Montero
Power Price Crisis in the EU: Unveiling Current Policy Responses and Proposing a Balanced Regulatory Remedy
Carlos Batlle, Tim Schittekatte, and Christopher R. Knittel
Properties of Deeply Decarbonized Electric Power Systems with Storage
Cristian Junge, Cathy Wang, Dharik S. Mallapragada, Howard K. Gruenspecht, Hannes Pfeifenberger, Paul L. Joskow, and Richard Schmalensee
Electricity Pricing Problems in Future Renewables-Dominant Power Systems
Dharik S. Mallapragada, Cristian Junge, Cathy Wang, Hannes Pfeifenberger, Paul L. Joskow, and Richard Schmalensee
Colluding Against Environmental Regulation
Jorge Alé-Chilet, Cuicui Chen, Jing Li, and Mathias Reynaert
The Weak Tie Between Natural Gas and Oil Prices
David J. Ramberg and John E. Parsons
Gas Balancing Rules Must Take into account the Trade-off between Offering Pipeline Transport and Pipeline Flexibility in Liberalized Gas Markets
Nico Keyaerts, Michelle Hallack, Jean-Michel Glachant and William D'haeseleer
Comparing the Costs of Intermittent and Dispatchable Electricity Generating Technologies
Paul L. Joskow
Modelling the Effects of Nuclear Fuel Reservoir Operation in a Competitive Electricity Market
Maria Lykidi, Jean-Michel Glachant and Pascal Gourdel
Electricity Network Tariff Architectures: A Comparison of Four OECD Countries
Vivek Sakhrani and John E. Parsons
Risk and Responsibility Sharing in Nuclear Spent Fuel Management
Guillaume De Roo
Taxation and the Extraction of Exhaustible Resources: Evidence From California Oil Production
Nirupama S. Rao
Speculation without Oil Stockpiling as a Signature: A Dynamic Perspective
Axel Pierru and Denis Babusiaux
Comparison of the Evolution of Energy Intensity in Spain and in the EU15. Why is Spain Different?
María Mendiluce, Ignacio Pérez-Arriaga and Carlos Ocaña
A Comprehensive Approach for Computation and Implementation of Efficient Electricity Transmission Network Charges
Luis Olmos and Ignacio J. Pérez-Arriaga
Regulatory Instruments for Deployment of Clean Energy Technologies
Ignacio J. Pérez-Arriaga
Nuclear Fuel Recycling - the Value of the Separated Transuranics and the Levelized Cost of Electricity
Guillaume De Roo and John E. Parsons
Multi-Factor Model of Correlated Commodity - Forward Curves for Crude Oil and Shipping Markets
Paul D. Sclavounos and Per Einar Ellefsen
An Empirical Model of Imperfect Dynamic Competition and Application to Hydroelectricity Storage
Olli Kauppi and Matti Liski
CO2 Abatement in the UK Power Sector: Evidence from the EU ETS Trial Period
Meghan McGuinness and A. Denny Ellerman
The Effect of Power Plants on Local Housing Values and Rents: Evidence from Restricted Census Microdata
Lucas W. Davis
Short-Term CO2 Abatement in the European Power Sector
Erik D. Delarue, A. Denny Ellerman and William D. D
The Diversity of Design of TSOs
Vincent Rious, Jean-Michel Glachant, Yannick Perez and Philippe Dessante
Market Power and Electricity Market Reform in Northeast China
Xiaochun Zhang and John E. Parsons
The Macroeconomic Effects of Oil Price Shocks: Why are the 2000s so different from the 1970s?
Olivier J. Blanchard and Jordi Galí
Technologies, Markets and Challenges for Development of the Canadian Oil Sands Industry
Romaine H. Lacombe and John E. Parsons
Public Attitudes Toward America's Energy Options - Report of the 2007 MIT Energy Survey
Stephen Ansolabehere
An Institutional Frame to Compare Alternative Market Designs in EU Electricity Balancing
Jean Michel Glachant and Marcelo Saguan
Infrastructure Investments and Resource Adequacy in the Restructured US Natural Gas Market - Is Supply Security at Risk?
Christian von Hirschhausen
Long-Term contracts and Asset Specificity Revisited - An Empirical Analysis of Producer-Importer Relations in the Natural Gas Industry
Anne Neumann and Christian von Hirschhausen
Using Futures Prices to Filter Short-term Volatility and Recover a Latent, Long-term Price Series for Oil
Miguel Herce, John E. Parsons and Robert C. Ready
Efficient Bidding for Hydro Power Plants in Markets for Energy and Ancillary Services
Dmitri Perekhodtsev and Lester Lave
Rational Plunging and the Option Value of Sequential Investment: The Case of Petroleum Exploration
James L. Smith and Rex Thompson
Electricity Internal Market in the European Union: What to do next?
Jean-Michel Glachant and François Lévêque
Oil and Natural Gas Reserve Prices: Addendum to CEEPR WP 03-016: Including Results for 2003 and Revisions to 2001
M. A. Adelman and G. C. Watkins
Welfare-enhancing Collusion in the Presence of a Competitive Fringe
Juan-Pablo Montero and Juan Ignacio Guzman
Diversification and the Value of Exploration Portfolios
James L. Smith and Rex Thompson
Electricity Market Reform in the European Union: Review of Progress toward Liberalization & Integration
Tooraj Jamasb and Michael Pollitt
A Review of the Monitoring of Market Power: The Possible Roles of TSOs in Monitoring for Market Power Issues in Congested Transmission Systems
Paul Twomey, Richard Green, Karsten Neuhoff, and David Newbery
A Residential Energy Demand System for Spain
Xavier Labandeira, José M. Labeaga, and Miguel Rodriguez
Gasoline Price Spikes and Regional Gasoline Content Regulations: A Structural Approach
Erich J. Muehlegger
Does Competition Reduce Costs? Assessing the Impact of Regulatory Restructuring on U.S. Electric Generation Efficiency
Nancy L. Rose, Kira Markiewicz, and Catherine Wolfram
International Market Intergration for Natural Gas? A Cointergration Analysis of Prices in Europe, North America, and Japan
Guillaume L'Hegaret, Boriss Siliverstovs, and Christian von Hirschhausen
Oil and Natural Gas Reserve Prices 1982-2002: Implications for Depletion and Investment Cost
M.A. Adelman and G.C. Watkins
Diagnosing and Mitigating Market Power in Chile's Electricity Industry
M. Soledad Arellano
Why did British Electricity Prices Fall After 1998?
Joanne Evans and Richard Green
Transmission Pricing of Distributed Multilateral Energy Transactions to Ensure System Security and Guide Economic Dispatch
Maria Ilić, Eric Hsieh, and Prasad Ramanan
Statement of Professor Paul L. Joskow Before The US Senate Committee on Govermental Affairs
Paul L. Joskow
The Role of Content Regulation On Pricing and Market Power in Regional Retail and Wholesale Gasoline Markets
Erich Muehlegger
Auctions to gas transmission access: The British experience
Tanga McDaniel and Karsten Neuhoff
The Wholesale Market for Electricity in England and Wales: Recent Developments and Future Reforms
Andrew Sweeting
Panel Data Analysis of U. S. Coal Productivity
Thomas M. Stoker, Ernst. R. Berndt, A. Denny Ellerman, Susanne M. Schennach
Transmission Rights and Market Power on Electric Power Networks I: Financial Rights
Paul Joskow and Jean Tirole
Transmission Rights and Market Power on Electric Power Networks II: Physical Rights
Paul Joskow and Jean Tirole
Storage and Capacity Rights Markets in the Natural Gas Industry
Luis A. Paz-Galindo
The Portfolio of Generation Facilities in Japan's Electric Power Sector, Past and Future
Naoto Nishimura
Economic Development and the Structure of the Demand for Commercial Energy
Ruth A. Judson, Richard Schmalensee, and Thomas M. Stoker
The Geographic Expanse of the Market for Wholesale Electricity
Elizabeth M. Bailey
Sources of Productivity Growth in the American Coal Industry
A. Denny Ellerman, Thomas M. Stoker, and Ernst R. Berndt
Western Europe Natural Gas Trade
International Natural Gas Trade Project, Center for Energy Policy Research, Energy Lab, MIT
East Asia/Pacific Natural Gas Trade
International Natural Gas Trade Project, Center for Energy Policy Research, Energy Lab, MIT