Results (134)
Good Spillover, Bad Spillover: Industrial Policy, Instrument Choice, and the Political Economy of Decarbonization
Michael A. Mehling
A Roadmap for Advanced Transmission Technology Adoption
Brian Deese, Rob Gramlich, and Anna Pasnau
Choosing Climate Policies in a Second-best World with Incomplete Markets: Insights from a Bilevel Power System Model
Emil Dimanchev, Steven A. Gabriel, Stein-Erik Fleten, Filippo Pecci, and Magnus Korpås
The Impact of Financing Structures on the Cost of CO2 Transport
Katrin Sievert, Alexandru Stefan Stefanescu, Pauline Oeuvray, and Bjarne Steffen
Research Commentary: Understanding the Price Cap on Russian Oil and Its Role in Depressing Russian Oil Revenues
Catherine Wolfram
Bidding in Uniform Price Auctions for Value Maximizing Buyers
Negin Golrezaei and Sourav Sahoo
Research Commentary: U.S. Leadership in Scaling Capital for Multilateral Clean Energy Finance
Lily Bermel, Brian Deese, Brad Setser, Tess Turner, and Michael Weilandt
Understanding the Future of Critical Raw Materials for the Energy Transition: SVAR Models for the U.S. Market
Ilenia Gaia Romani and Chiara Casoli
A Supply Curve for Forest-Based CO2 Removal
Sergio L. Franklin Jr. and Robert S. Pindyck
Research Commentary: FERC Order 2023: Will it Unplug the Bottleneck?
Les Armstrong, Alexa Canaan, Christopher R. Knittel, and Gilbert E. Metcalf
Implications of the Inflation Reduction Act on Deployment of Low-Carbon Ammonia Technologies
Chi Kong Chyong, Eduardo Italiani, and Nikolaos Kazantzis
Consequences of the Missing Risk Market Problem for Power System Emissions
Emil Dimanchev, Steven A. Gabriel, Lina Reichenberg, and Magnus Korpås
Learning in Repeated Multi-Unit Pay-As-Bid Auctions
Rigel Galgana and Negin Golrezaei
Online Learning in Multi-unit Auctions
Simina Brânzei, Mahsa Derakhshan, Negin Golrezaei, and Yanjun Han
Redistribution Through Technology: Equilibrium Impacts of Mandated Efficiency in Three Electricity Markets
Matti Liski and Iivo Vehviläinen
The Role of State Investment Banks for Renewable Energy Technologies in OECD Countries
Paul Waidelich and Bjarne Steffen
Exploring a Suitable Business Model for Nuclear Batteries
Santiago Andrade Aparicio and John E. Parsons
Power Price Crisis in the EU 3.0: Proposals to Complete Long-Term Markets
Tim Schittekatte and Carlos Batlle
Research Commentary: Calls for an Electricity Market Reform in the EU: Don’t Shoot the Messenger
Tim Schittekatte and Carlos Batlle
Accelerating Electric Vehicle Charging Investments: A Real Options Approach to Policy Design
Emil Dimanchev, Stein-Erik Fleten, Don MacKenzie, and Magnus Korpås
The Macroeconomic Impact of Europe’s Carbon Taxes
Gilbert E. Metcalf and James H. Stock
Electricity Retail Rate Design in a Decarbonizing Economy: An Analysis of Time-of-Use and Critical Peak Pricing
Tim Schittekatte, Dharik Mallapragada, Paul L. Joskow, and Richard Schmalensee
Rational Rationing: A Price-Control Mechanism for a Persistent Supply Shock
Reyer Gerlagh, Matti Liski, and Iivo Vehviläinen
Sustainable Hydrogen Fuels versus Fossil Fuels for Trucking, Shipping and Aviation: A Dynamic Cost Model
Jonas Martin, Anne Neumann, and Anders Ødegård
Power Price Crisis in the EU: Unveiling Current Policy Responses and Proposing a Balanced Regulatory Remedy
Carlos Batlle, Tim Schittekatte, and Christopher R. Knittel
Colluding Against Environmental Regulation
Jorge Alé-Chilet, Cuicui Chen, Jing Li, and Mathias Reynaert
Why Do Firms Issue Green Bonds?
Julien Xavier Daubanes, Shema Frédéric Mitali and Jean-Charles Rochet
Modelling the Effects of Nuclear Fuel Reservoir Operation in a Competitive Electricity Market
Maria Lykidi, Jean-Michel Glachant and Pascal Gourdel
Risk and Responsibility Sharing in Nuclear Spent Fuel Management
Guillaume De Roo
Multi-Factor Model of Correlated Commodity - Forward Curves for Crude Oil and Shipping Markets
Paul D. Sclavounos and Per Einar Ellefsen
Long-term Energy Supply Contracts in European Competition Policy: Fuzzy not Crazy
Adrien de Hauteclocque and Jean-Michel Glachant
An Empirical Model of Imperfect Dynamic Competition and Application to Hydroelectricity Storage
Olli Kauppi and Matti Liski
The Diversity of Design of TSOs
Vincent Rious, Jean-Michel Glachant, Yannick Perez and Philippe Dessante
Technologies, Markets and Challenges for Development of the Canadian Oil Sands Industry
Romaine H. Lacombe and John E. Parsons
An Institutional Frame to Compare Alternative Market Designs in EU Electricity Balancing
Jean Michel Glachant and Marcelo Saguan
Infrastructure Investments and Resource Adequacy in the Restructured US Natural Gas Market - Is Supply Security at Risk?
Christian von Hirschhausen
Long-Term contracts and Asset Specificity Revisited - An Empirical Analysis of Producer-Importer Relations in the Natural Gas Industry
Anne Neumann and Christian von Hirschhausen
The Convergence of Market Designs for Adequate Generating Capacity with Special Attention to the CAISO’s Resource Adequacy Problem
Peter Cramton and Steven Stoft
Using Futures Prices to Filter Short-term Volatility and Recover a Latent, Long-term Price Series for Oil
Miguel Herce, John E. Parsons and Robert C. Ready
Rational Plunging and the Option Value of Sequential Investment: The Case of Petroleum Exploration
James L. Smith and Rex Thompson
Welfare-enhancing Collusion in the Presence of a Competitive Fringe
Juan-Pablo Montero and Juan Ignacio Guzman
Diversification and the Value of Exploration Portfolios
James L. Smith and Rex Thompson
Electricity Market Reform in the European Union: Review of Progress toward Liberalization & Integration
Tooraj Jamasb and Michael Pollitt
A Review of the Monitoring of Market Power: The Possible Roles of TSOs in Monitoring for Market Power Issues in Congested Transmission Systems
Paul Twomey, Richard Green, Karsten Neuhoff, and David Newbery
Managing a Portfolio of Real Options: Sequential Exploration of Dependent Prospects
James L. Smith and Rex Thompson
Statement of Professor Paul L. Joskow Before The US Senate Committee on Govermental Affairs
Paul L. Joskow
Expandability, Reversibility, and Optimal Capacity Choice
Avinash K. Dixit and Robert S. Pindyck
A Markup Interpretation of Optimal Rules for Irreversible Investment
Avinash Dixit, Robert S. Pindyck and Sigbørn Sødal
The Value of Nuclear Microreactors in Providing Heat and Electricity to Alaskan Communities
Ruaridh Macdonald and John E. Parsons
Technology Adoption and Early Network Infrastructure Provision in the Market for Electric Vehicles
Nathan Delacrétaz, Bruno Lanz, and Jeremy van Dijk
The Dynamic Effects of Hurricanes in the US: The Role of Non-Disaster Transfer Payments
Tatyana Deryugina
Stocks & Shocks: A Clarification in the Debate Over Price vs. Quantity Controls for Greenhouse Gases
John E. Parsons and Luca Taschini
Hit or Miss: Regulating Derivative Markets to Reduce Hedging Costs at Non-Financial Companies
John E. Parsons
Who is Exposed to Gas Prices? How Gasoline Prices Affect Automobile Manufacturers and Dealerships
Meghan R. Busse, Christopher R. Knittel, and Florian Zettelmeyer
Mapping and Measuring the Channels of Oil Price Exposure in the Economy and the Role of Oil Derivatives in Reshaping Them
John E. Parsons
Joint Allocation of Climate Control Mechanisms is the Cheapest Way to Reduce Global Climate Damage
John M. Deutch
Intermittent versus Dispatchable Power Sources: An Integrated Competitive Assessment
Gunther Glenk and Stefan Reichelstein
Water for a Warming Climate: A Feasibility Study of Repurposing Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant for Desalination
Andrew T. Bouma, Quantum J. Wei, John E. Parsons, Jacopo Buongiorno, and John H. Lienhard V
Challenges and Opportunities for Decarbonizing Power Systems in the US Midcontinent
Pablo Duenas-Martinez, Karen Tapia-Ahumada, Joshua Hodge, Raanan Miller, and John E. Parsons
A Domestic Content Rule for Electric Vehicle Lithium-Ion Batteries Will Protect U.S. Jobs
Amelia Pedone and John Deutch
Facilitating Transmission Expansion to Support Efficient Decarbonization of the Electricity Sector
Paul L. Joskow
Energy Conversion and Storage: The Value of Reversible Power-to-Gas Systems
Gunther Glenk and Stefan Reichelstein
Policy Options to Enable an Equitable Energy Transition
Daniel Raimi, Aurora Barone, Sanya Carley, David Foster, Emily Grubert, Julia Haggerty, Jake Higdon, Michael Kearney, David Konisky, Jennifer Michael, Gilbert Michaud, Sade Nabahe, Nina Peluso, Molly Robertson, and Tony Reames
Energy Storage Investment and Operation in Efficient Electric Power Systems
Cristian Junge, Dharik Mallapragada, and Richard Schmalensee
A Machine Learning Approach to Evaluating Renewable Energy Technology: An Alternative LACE Study on Solar Photo-Voltaic (PV)
Benny Siu Hon Ng, Christopher R. Knittel, and Caroline Uhler
Going Beyond Default Intensities in an EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism
Michael A. Mehling and Robert A. Ritz
The Roosevelt Project: A New Deal for Employment, Energy and Environment
Ernest J. Moniz and Michael J. Kearney
Assessing the Role of Public Policy in Industrial Transitions: How Distinct Regional Contexts Inform Comprehensive Planning
Nina Peluso, Michael Kearney, and Richard Lester
Social Impacts of Energy Transition
Jason W. Beckfield, D. A. Evrard, Robert J. Sampson, and Mary C. Waters
Distributed Effects of Climate Policy: A Machine Learning Approach
Tomas W. Green and Christopher R. Knittel
Just Institutions for Deep Decarbonization? Essential Lessons from 20th Century Regional Economic and Industrial Transitions in the United States
Daniel Gallagher and Amy Glasmeier
Energy and Manufacturing in the United States
David Foster, Sade Nabahe, and Benny Siu Hon Ng
State Ownership and Technology Adoption: The Case of Electric Utilities and Renewable Energy
Bjarne Steffen, Valerie J. Karplus, and Tobias S. Schmidt
Evolving Bidding Formats and Pricing Schemes in US and Europe Day-Ahead Electricity Markets
Carlos Batlle, Ignacio Herrero, and Pablo Rodilla
What Does and Does Not Correlate with COVID-19 Death Rates
Christopher R. Knittel and Bora Ozaltun
Welfare Costs of Catastrophes: Lost Consumption and Lost Lives
Ian W. R. Martin and Robert S. Pindyck
Climate Policy Without a Price Signal: Evidence on the Implicit Carbon Price of Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Ghislaine Lang and Bruno Lanz
Machine Learning for Solar Accessibility: Implications for Low-Income Solar Expansion and Profitability
Sruthi Davuluri, René García Franceschini, Christopher R. Knittel, Chikara Onda, and Kelly Roache
Investigating the Necessity of Demand Characterization and Stimulation for Geospatial Electrification Planning in Developing Countries
Stephen J. Lee, Eduardo Sánchez, Andrés González-García, Pedro Ciller, Pablo Duenas, Jay Taneja, Fernando de Cuadra García, Julio Lumbreras, Hannah Daly, Robert Stoner, Ignacio J. Pérez-Arriaga
Machine Learning from Schools about Energy Efficiency
Fiona Burlig, Christopher R. Knittel, David Rapson, Mar Reguant, and Catherine Wolfram
The Efficiency and Distributional Effects of Alternative Residential Electricity Rate Designs
Scott P. Burger, Christopher R. Knittel, Ignacio Pérez-Arriaga, Ian Schneider, and Frederik vom Scheidt
The Carbon Footprint of Bitcoin
Christian Stoll, Lena Klaaßen, and Ulrich Gallersdörfer
The Climate and Economic Rationale for Investment in Life Extension of Spanish Nuclear Power Plants
Anthony Fratto Oyler and John E. Parsons
Dynamic Competition and Arbitrage in Electricity Markets: The Role of Financial Players
Ignacia Mercadal
Energy Efficiency, Information, and the Acceptability of Rent Increases: A Multiple Price List Experiment with Tenants
Ghislaine Lang and Bruno Lanz
Fair, Equitable, and Efficient Tariffs in the Presence of Distributed Energy Resources
Scott P. Burger, Ian Schneider, Audun Botterud, and Ignacio Pérez-Arriaga
Restructuring Revisited: Competition and Coordination in Electricity Distribution Systems
Scott P. Burger, Jesse D. Jenkins, Carlos Batlle, and Ignacio J. Pérez-Arriaga
What's Killing Nuclear Power in US Electricity Markets? Drivers of Wholesale Price Declines at Nuclear Generators in the PJM Interconnection
Jesse D. Jenkins
The Light and the Heat: Productivity Co-benefits of Energy-saving Technology
Achyuta Adhvaryu, Namrata Kala, and Anant Nyshadham
Anticipation and Environmental Regulation
Katherine Rittenhouse and Matthew Zaragoza-Watkins
Will We Ever Stop Using Fossil Fuels?
Thomas Covert, Michael Greenstone, and Christopher R. Knittel
The Impact of Uncertainty on the Need and Design of Capacity Remuneration Mechanisms in Low-Carbon Power Systems
Fernando J. de Sisternes and John E. Parsons
How do Carbon Emissions Respond to Business-Cycle Shocks?
Hashmat Khan, Christopher R. Knittel, Konstantinos Metaxoglou, and Maya Papineau
Investment Model for Renewable Electricity Systems (IMRES): an Electricity Generation Capacity Expansion Formulation with Unit Commitment Constraints
Fernando J. de Sisternes
The Simple Economics of Commodity Price Speculation
Christopher R. Knittel and Robert S. Pindyck
Defensive Investments and the Demand for Air Quality: Evidence from the NOx Budget Program and Ozone Reductions
Olivier Deschênes, Michael Greenstone and Joseph S. Shapiro