Temperature and Cognitive Performance
Boston suffered from a tremendous heat wave this summer. Both in July and August temperatures rose beyond 90°F (32°C) for […]
SEE FULL ARTICLENatural Gas in the U.S. Southeast Power Sector under Deep Decarbonization
An increasing number of public and private actors have announced “net-zero” emissions targets by mid-century. In the electricity sector, the […]
SEE FULL ARTICLECarbon Abatement Costs for Hydrogen Fuels in Hard-to-Abate Transport Sectors and Potential Climate Policy Mixes
Additional climate policy efforts are needed for “hard-to-abate” sectors such as heavy-duty trucking, shipping, and aviation, in order for governments […]
SEE FULL ARTICLEGilbert E. Metcalf Joins
MIT CEEPR as a Visiting Professor
CEEPR is delighted to welcome Gilbert E. Metcalf as a Visiting Professor. Professor Metcalf is an economist who has made […]
Carbon Pricing
Among economists, there is near unanimous consensus that a necessary component of any portfolio of policies to address climate change […]
SEE FULL ARTICLEElectricity Retail Rate Design in a Decarbonizing Economy: An Analysis of Time-of-Use and Critical Peak Pricing
Currently, U.S. residential and small commercial electricity consumers are typically billed based on nearly flat rates, i.e., a constant price […]
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