Research Workshops
Each year, CEEPR hosts two Energy and Environmental Policy Research Workshops in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Partnering with the Energy Policy Research Group (EPRG) at the University of Cambridge, CEEPR also convenes an annual International Energy Policy Conference at varying locations outside the US.
Attendance at these events is by invitation only, and the proceedings are subject to Chatham House rules.
An established format and the continuity of participation from CEEPR Associates deepen the quality of the discussion and afford our faculty and research affiliates insights that help shape the ongoing research agenda and sustain its relevance. CEEPR Associates have access to presentation slides and video recordings from past meetings. The most recent past workshop is highlighted below, and older events are archived beneath it. Clicking on a past event will open the tab with the available workshop materials.
Upcoming CEEPR Workshops and Conferences
2024 CEEPR & EPRG European Energy Policy Conference
Thursday and Friday, September 26-27, 2024
Copenhagen, Denmark
2024 CEEPR Fall Research Workshop
Tuesday and Wednesday, December 3-4, 2024
Washington, DC
Note: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, in-person CEEPR Research Workshops were suspended in 2020 and 2021. Please view the Webinar page to view CEEPR research content during these years.
Research Workshops Archive
2022 Fall MIT CEEPR Research Workshop | 2022-11-17 | Royal Sonesta Boston
Session 1 - The Future of Energy Storage
The Future of Energy Storage - Insights from MIT's Study by Johannes Pfeifenberger, MIT and Brattle
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The Future of Energy Storage (in the Power Sector) by Wesley Cole, NREL
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Session 2 - Equity and Distributional Implications of Transportation
How Regressive are Mobility-Related User Fees and Gas Taxes? by Caitlin Gorback, UT Austin
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Electric Vehicle Adoption, Air Pollution Disparities, and Subsidy Policy by Irene Jacqz, Iowa State University
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Associates Luncheon
Europe's Energy Transition in Crisis: Disarray or Doubling Down? by Michael Mehling, MIT
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Session 3 - Navigating Turmoil in U.S. and European Energy Markets
The EU Energy Crisis and Calls for Electricity Market Reforms by Tim Schittekatte, MIT
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Turmoil in Energy Markets: Could It Happen in the U.S.? by Paul Joskow, MIT
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Session 4: A New Direction for U.S. Climate Policy: The Inflation Reduction Act
Opening Remarks by Jesse Jenkins, Princeton
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Opening Remarks by Doreen Harris, NYSERDA
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Opening Remarks by Gilbert Metcalf, MIT
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Session 5: Carbon Capture and Removal: New Trends and Developments
Carbon Capture and Removal: New Trends and Developments by T. Alan Hatton, MIT
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Economics of Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage by Andrew Waxman, UT Austin
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Session 6: Reliability in a Decarbonizing Electricity Grid: New Metrics
Reliability in a Decarbonizing Electricity Grid by Arne Olson, E3
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Stochastic Processes for Renewables: Reliability Operations and Planning by Golbon Zakeri, UMass Amherst
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2022 CEEPR & EPRG European Energy Policy Conference | 2022-9-1 | Brussels, Belgium
Session 1: Net-Zero Scenarios: What Do (and Don't) They Tell Us?
Conference Introduction by François Dassa, Électricité de France
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Net-Zero: Where Are We in the Global Energy Transition? by Sergey Paltsev, MIT
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Net-Zero Scenarios: What Do (and Don't) They Tell Us? by Marc Oliver Bettzüge, EWI
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Session 2: Energy Security in an Evolving Geopolitical Context
Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine: Medium-term Implications for European and Global Gas Markets by Chi Kong Chyong, EPRG
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Power Market Design and the EU Energy Crisis: Don’t Shoot the Messenger by Tim Schittekatte, MIT
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Session 3: Policy Roundtable: Navigating Energy Markets in Turbulent Times
Panel Discussion by Christopher Knittel (MIT), Andrei Marcu (ERCST), and Dermot Nolan (EPRG)
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Session 4: Rethinking Electricity Market Design and Pricing
Rethinking Electricity Market Design and Pricing by Richard L. Schmalensee, MIT
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Hybrid Wholesale Electricity Markets in the U.S. by Paul L. Joskow, MIT
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Rethinking Electricity Market Design: Transitioning to High Renewable Electricity by David M. Newbery, EPRG
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Session 5: Technology Options for Decarbonization and Resilience
Is Nuclear Power Green? by Simon Taylor, University of Cambridge
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Industrial Decarbonization: Technology Options for Decarbonization and Resilience by Emre Gençer, MIT
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Session 6: Pricing Carbon: Is It Useful?
Overcoming Political Opposition to Carbon Pricing Based on Economics Concerns: The Macroeconomics Effects of a Carbon Tax by Gilbert E. Metcalf, MIT
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Carbon Pricing and Overlapping Climate Policies by Robert Ritz, EPRG
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2022 CEEPR & EPRG International Energy Policy Conference | 2022-6-27 | Seoul, South Korea
Keynote Speeches
Resilient Energy Transition Beyond the Energy Crisis by Jonghwan Lee, KEPCO
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Challenges for the Power Industry and KPX's Initiatives Towards Net Zero by Sung Bae Yang, KPX
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Session 1: Net Zero Scenarios of Major Countries
Rising Temperatures, Melting Ratings by Kamiar Mohaddes, EPRG
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Where Are We in the Global Energy Transition? by Sergey Paltsev, MIT
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Korea's 2050 Carbon Neutrality Technology Pathways by Jiyong Eom, KAIST
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Session 2: Restructuring and Regulating the Power Industry for a Net-Zero World
Rate Design in a Decarbonized World by Christopher Knittel, MIT
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Planning for Low Financial Risk and Stable Electricity Prices by Daniel Navia, EPRG
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Korea Electricity Market Reform in the Era of Net Zero by Ho Hyern Youn, KPX
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Session 3: Future of the Electricity Grid and Market in a Net-Zero World
Transmission Expansion to Support Efficient Decarbonization of the US Electricity Sector by Paul L. Joskow, MIT
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What Energy Market Model for a Competitive Decarbonization? by Michael Pollitt, EPRG
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2035 Outlook of Korea Power System Based on Optimal Investment Approach by Seungwan Kim, Chungnam National University
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Session 4: The Future of Nuclear and Nuclear of the Future
Financing the Future of Nuclear by John E. Parsons, MIT
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The Outlook for Nuclear Power in Europe by Simon Taylor, EPRG
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Prospects and Issues of Nuclear Energy in Korea by Dong-Wook Jerng, Chung-Ang University
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Session 5: Industrial Decarbonization Strategies
Theory and Practice of Border Carbon Adjustments: Learning from the EU CBAM by Michael Mehling, MIT
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Political Economy of Industrial Decarbonization by David Reiner, EPRG
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Challenges to Korea's Industrial Decarbonization by Rachel Ko, NEXT Group
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Session 6: Energy Security and the New Geopolitical Landscape
Russia, Europe and Global Gas: 2000 - Present by Chi-Kong Chyong, EPRG
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The EU Energy Crisis: Current Status, Brief History and Outlook by Tim Schittekatte, MIT
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Overseas Hydrogen Imports and Energy Security in Korea by Jinsoo Kim, Hanyang University
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2022 Spring MIT CEEPR Research Workshop | 2022-5-12 | Royal Sonesta Boston
Session 1 - Responding to the Energy Crisis: A European Perspective
Does the EU Energy Price Crisis Call for a Power Market Reform?by Tim Schittekatte, MIT
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Russia’s War as Catalyzer of the European Energy Transition? by Sebastian Helgenberger, IASS Potsdam
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Session 2 - Environmental Justice: Clinching an Elusive Concept
The Incidence of Extreme Economic Stress: Evidence from Utility Disconnections by Steve Cicala, Tufts University
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Workforce Impacts of Clean Energy Transition: Insights from the Roosevelt Project by Valerie J. Karplus, Carnegie Mellon University
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Associates Luncheon Presentation
Repurposing Coal Plants with Thermal Energy Storage by Dharik Mallapragrada, Serena Patel, and Jack Morris (all MIT)
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Session 3 - Climate, Trade, and Industrial Policy - A Winning Combination?
Introduction by Michael Mehling, MIT
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Climate, Trade, and Industrial Policy by Jennifer A. Hillman, Georgetown University
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Policy Remarks by Catherine Wolfram, U.S. Department of the Treasury
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Session 4 - Financing the Energy Transition: Options and Implications
Financing the Energy Transition: Options and Implications by Gilbert E. Metcalf, Tufts University
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Why Do Firms Issue Green Bonds? by Julien Daubanes, University of Geneva
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Session 5 - Sustainable Fuels: A Viable Option for Aviation and Shipping?
Mitigating the Climate Impacts of Aviation: The Role of Sustainable Fuels by Steven Barrett, MIT
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Sustainable Aviation Fuels for Supply Chains:Industry Adoption and Impact Accounting by Alexis Bateman, MIT
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Session 6 - Ensuring Reliability in Decarbonizing Electricity Systems
Planning for Decarbonization in Massachusetts by Judy Chang, Commonwealth of Massachusetts
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Ensuring Reliability of Decarbonized Power Grids via Optimal Utilization by Andy Sun, MIT
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