Parliamentary Secretary Mike Bernier summarizes British Columbia’s positive experience with its revenue-neutral carbon tax

Millennials Like Cars As Much As Boomers Do

Posted on May 30th, 2019 by tagadmin

Christopher Knittel is P&Qs’ Professor of the Week. Everybody knows that Millennials marry later and buy fewer homes than previous generations did. But when it comes to cars, that conventional wisdom is wrong…

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Parliamentary Secretary Mike Bernier summarizes British Columbia’s positive experience with its revenue-neutral carbon tax

Optimal Commodity Taxation with a Non-renewable Resource

Posted on May 7th, 2019 by tagadmin

When governments need to raise public revenues, they should tax non-renewable resources more than regular commodities according to a dynamic rule. For carbon resources, that means augmenting the carbon tax in a way that further reduces their development and slows down their exploitation, which goes further in the direction of resolving the climate problem.

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Parliamentary Secretary Mike Bernier summarizes British Columbia’s positive experience with its revenue-neutral carbon tax

Why reducing carbon emissions from cars and trucks will be so hard

Posted on May 6th, 2019 by tagadmin

In this article on The Conversation, CEEPR faculty Professors David Keith and Christopher Knittel point out the difficulties facing the transition away from internal combustion engine vehicles.

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Parliamentary Secretary Mike Bernier summarizes British Columbia’s positive experience with its revenue-neutral carbon tax

State would benefit from preserving nuclear power

Posted on May 1st, 2019 by tagadmin

In an article on Press&Journal, John Parsons discusses a vital decision about the place nuclear power will have in Pennsylvania’s future.

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