$2.00 Gas! Studying the Effects of Gas Tax Moratorium

Posted on January 6th, 2022 by tagadmin

Despite the considerable attention paid to the theory of tax incidence, there are surprisingly few estimates of the pass-through rate […]

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Market Power in a Storable-good Market: Theory and Applications to Carbon and Sulfur Trading

Posted on January 6th, 2022 by tagadmin

We consider a market for storable pollution permits in which a large agent and a fringe of small agents gradually […]

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Electricity Internal Market in the European Union: What to do next?

Posted on January 6th, 2022 by tagadmin

The European Union’s “internal energy market” remains a work in progress. It is even possible its construction were to stall. […]

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Incentive Regulation in Theory and Practice: Electricity Distribution and Transmission Networks

Posted on January 6th, 2022 by tagadmin

Modern theoretical principles to govern the design of incentive regulation mechanisms are reviewed and discussed. General issues associated with applying […]

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Oil and Natural Gas Reserve Prices: Addendum to CEEPR WP 03-016: Including Results for 2003 and Revisions to 2001

Posted on January 6th, 2022 by tagadmin

Introduction. A working paper entitled “Oil and Natural Gas Reserve Prices 1982-2002: Implications for Depletion and Investment Cost” was published […]

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Markets for Power in the United States: An Interim Assessment

Posted on January 6th, 2022 by tagadmin

The transition to competitive wholesale and retail markets for electricity in the U.S. has been a difficult and contentious process. […]

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Welfare-enhancing Collusion in the Presence of a Competitive Fringe

Posted on January 6th, 2022 by tagadmin

Following the structure of many commodity markets, we consider a reduced number of large firms and a competitive fringe of […]

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What Should the Government Do to Encourage Technical Change in the Energy Sector?

Posted on January 6th, 2022 by tagadmin

Government support of innovation – both technology creation and technology demonstration – is desirable to encourage private investors to adopt […]

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Regulation of Natural Monopolies

Posted on January 6th, 2022 by tagadmin

This chapter provides a comprehensive overview of the theoretical and empirical literature on the regulation of natural monopolies. It covers […]

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Diversification and the Value of Exploration Portfolios

Posted on January 6th, 2022 by tagadmin

Conventional wisdom holds that dependence among geological prospects increases exploration risk. However, dependence also creates the option to truncate exploration […]

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Forward Trading and Collusion in Oligopoly

Posted on January 6th, 2022 by tagadmin

We consider an infinitely-repeated oligopoly in which at each period firms not only serve the spot market by either competing […]

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The Efficiency and Robustness of Allowance Banking in the U.S. Acid Rain Program

Posted on January 6th, 2022 by tagadmin

This paper provides an empirical evaluation of the efficiency of allowance banking (i.e., abating more in early periods in order […]

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Patterns of Transmission Investment

Posted on January 6th, 2022 by tagadmin

This paper examines a number of issues associated with alternative analytical approaches for evaluating investments in electricity transmission infrastructure and […]

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Electricity Market Reform in the European Union: Review of Progress toward Liberalization & Integration

Posted on January 6th, 2022 by tagadmin

The energy market liberalisation process in Europe is increasingly focused on electricity market integration and related cross border issues. This […]

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A Review of the Monitoring of Market Power: The Possible Roles of TSOs in Monitoring for Market Power Issues in Congested Transmission Systems

Posted on January 6th, 2022 by tagadmin

The paper surveys the literature and publicly available information on market power monitoring in electricity wholesale markets. After briefly reviewing […]

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A Residential Energy Demand System for Spain

Posted on January 6th, 2022 by tagadmin

Sharp price fluctuations and increasing environmental and distributional concerns, among other issues, have led to a renewed academic interest in […]

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