MIT has completed a 3-year study on the Future of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle. The study addresses two overarching questions: (1) What are the long-term desirable fuel cycle options and (2) What are the implications for near-term policy choices?
The press conference at which the study was released was webcast and can be viewed here. A summary of the report’s conclusions had been released earlier in September in a press conference held at the Center for Strategic and International Studies which can be viewed here.
The study is interdiscliplinary with contributions by a number of faculty. CEEPR’s Executive Director, Dr. John Parsons of the Sloan School of Management, contributed to the economic analysis, as did CEEPR student research assistants Guillaume De Roo and Yangbo Du. The study was co-chaired by Professor Ernest J. Moniz, Director of the MIT Energy Initiative (MITEI), and Professor Mujid Kazimi, Director of the MIT Center for Advanced Nuclear Energy Systems. Dr. Charles Forsberg, served as Executive Director.
(April 2011)