Student participation in CEEPR research is integral to MIT’s educational mission. This year five Masters students worked as Research Assistants on CEEPR projects. From left to right in the photo above, they are:
Guillaume de Roo is a second year Masters candidate in the Technology and Policy Program and Nuclear Engineering. Guillaume is a participant in MIT’s Nuclear Fuel Cycle study analyzing the economics of advanced fuel cycles.
Kyriakos Pierrakakis is a second year Masters candidate in the Technology and Policy Program. Kyriakos is a participant in MIT’s Energy Conversion Project which is a research partnership funded by BP. Kyriakos is studying the strategic and policy frameworks for the evolution of a carbon capture and sequestration industry.
Stephan Feilhauer is a second year Masters candidate in the Technology and Policy Program. Stephan has been studying environmental markets, especially carbon trading. He was a participant in a project funded by the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation to analyze design issues for a U.S. cap-and-trade system, including the evaluation of the performance of the European Union’s Emissions Trading System.
David Ramberg is a first year Masters candidate in the Technology and Policy Program. David is a participant in MIT’s Energy Conversion Project which is a research partnership funded by BP. David is studying the evolving price relationships across various hydrocarbon markets in the North America.
Vivek Sakhrani is a first year Masters candidate in the Technology and Policy Program. Vivek is researching the value of long-term contracts for wholesale electricity supply and how regulatory restrictions on the use of contracts biases the technology mix of generation capacity.
(June 2009)