In January 2008, CEEPR hosted a workshop in Washington DC on the European CO2 Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) as part of a project funded by the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation. The workshop reported results of a multi-national transatlantic research partnership including CEEPR that is conducting an ex post evaluation of the EU ETS. About twenty researchers from Europe, primarily from France, Ireland and Germany, presented results and conducted briefings for Congressional staff on Capitol Hill at the conclusion of the workshop. A high point of the workshop was a dinner, graciously hosted by the French Ambassador to the United States, Pierre Vimont, at his residence to welcome European and MIT workshop participants to Washington and to indicate the high interest of all in this research on the world’s first large-scale CO2 cap-and-trade program.
From left: Christian de Perthuis (Mission Climat, Paris), Richard Baron (IEA, Paris), Julia Reinaud (IEA, Paris), Felix Matthes (Oeko-Institute, Berlin), Barbara Buchner (IEA, Paris), Ambassador Pierre Vimont (French Embassy to the US), Philip Sharp (President of RFF), Henry Jacoby (MIT), Denny Ellerman (MIT), Frank Convery (University College, Dublin). Photo by: F. Goldstein 2008.
(February 2008)