Results (7)
Shedding Light on Green Claims: The Impact of a Closer Temporal Alignment of Supply and Demand in Voluntary Green Electricity Markets
Hanna F. Scholta and Maximilian J. Blaschke
The Role of State Investment Banks for Renewable Energy Technologies in OECD Countries
Paul Waidelich and Bjarne Steffen
Comparing the Costs of Intermittent and Dispatchable Electricity Generating Technologies
Paul L. Joskow
An Empirical Model of Imperfect Dynamic Competition and Application to Hydroelectricity Storage
Olli Kauppi and Matti Liski
Efficient Bidding for Hydro Power Plants in Markets for Energy and Ancillary Services
Dmitri Perekhodtsev and Lester Lave
Diagnosing and Mitigating Market Power in Chile's Electricity Industry
M. Soledad Arellano