Results (46)
Good Spillover, Bad Spillover: Industrial Policy, Instrument Choice, and the Political Economy of Decarbonization
Michael A. Mehling
Climate Policy Reform Options in 2025
John Bistline, Kimberly A. Clausing, Neil R. Mehrotra, James H. Stock, and Catherine Wolfram
Bridging the Divide: Assessing the Viability of International Cooperation on Border Carbon Adjustments
Michael Mehling, Harro van Asselt, Susanne Droege, Kasturi Das, and Catherine Hall
A Supply Curve for Forest-Based CO2 Removal
Sergio L. Franklin Jr. and Robert S. Pindyck
Implications of the Inflation Reduction Act on Deployment of Low-Carbon Ammonia Technologies
Chi Kong Chyong, Eduardo Italiani, and Nikolaos Kazantzis
Economic Implications of the Climate Provisions of the Inflation Reduction Act
John Bistline, Neil Mehrotra, and Catherine Wolfram
Cost-Efficient Pathways to Decarbonizing Portland Cement Production
Gunther Glenk, Anton Kelnhofer, Rebecca Meier, and Stefan Reichelstein
Regulatory Instruments for Deployment of Clean Energy Technologies
Ignacio J. Pérez-Arriaga
The Cost of Climate Policy in the United States
Sergey Paltsev, John M. Reilly, Henry D. Jacoby and Jennifer F. Morris
Designing a US Market for CO2
John E. Parsons, A. Denny Ellerman and Stephan Feilhauer
Grandfathering and the Endowment Effect An Assessment in the context of the Spanish National Allocation Plan
Mar Reguant and A. Denny Ellerman
A Top-down and Bottom-up look at Emissions Abatement in Germany in response to the EU ETS
A. Denny Ellerman and Stephan Feilhauer
CO2 Abatement in the UK Power Sector: Evidence from the EU ETS Trial Period
Meghan McGuinness and A. Denny Ellerman
Short-Term CO2 Abatement in the European Power Sector
Erik D. Delarue, A. Denny Ellerman and William D. D
The Effects of Interactions between Federal and State Climate Policies
Meghan McGuinness and A. Denny Ellerman
Technical Memorandum on Analysis of the EU ETS Using the Community Independent Transaction Log
Meghan McGuinness and Raphael Trotignon
First Evidence of Asymmetric Cost Pass-Through of EU Emissions Allowances: Examining Wholesale Electricity Prices in Germany
Georg Zachmann and Christian von Hirschhausen
Time and Location Differentiated NOX Control in Competitive Electricity Markets Using Cap-and-Trade Mechanisms
Katherine C. Martin, Paul L. Joskow, and A. Denny Ellerman
Over-Allocation or Abatement? A Preliminary Analysis of the EU ETS Based on the 2005 Emissions Data
A. Denny Ellerman and Barbara Buchner
The Allocation of European Union Allowances: Lessons, Unifying Themes and General Principles
Barbara Buchner, Carlo Carraro and A. Denny Ellerman
Market Power in a Storable-good Market: Theory and Applications to Carbon and Sulfur Trading
Matti Liski and Juan-Pablo Montero
Electricity Internal Market in the European Union: What to do next?
Jean-Michel Glachant and François Lévêque
The Chicago VOC Trading System: The Consequences of Market Design for Performance
R.F. Kosobud, H.H. Stokes, C.D. Tallarico, and B.L. Scott
A Note on Market Power in an Emission Permits Market with Banking
Matti Liski and Juan-Pablo Montero
Trends and Breaks in Per-Capita Carbon Dioxide Emissions, 1870-2028
Markku Lanne and Matti Liski
Environmental Benefits and Cost Savings Through Market-Based Instruments: An Application Using State-Level Data from India
Shreekant Gupta
The Temporal Efficiency of SO2 Emissions Trading
A. Denny Ellerman & Juan-Pablo Montero
Considerations For Designing A Tradable Permit System To Control SO2 Emissions in China
Denny Ellerman
A Market-Based Environmental Policy Experiment in Chile
Juan-Pablo Montero, José Miguel Sánchez, and Ricardo Katz
Explaining Low Sulfur Dioxide Allowance Prices: The Effect of Expectation Errors and Irreversibility
Juan-Pablo Montero and A. Denny Ellerman
Allowance Trading Activity and State Regulatory Rulings: Evidence From The U. S. Acid Rain Program
Elizabeth M. Bailey
The Economics of Pollution Permit Banking in the Context of Title IV of the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments
Susanne M. Schennach